About Us


The Story of Sothys

Ancient egyptians were fascinated by the brightest star in the sky. They called her Sothys, the goddess of beauty.
Legends say Saturn felt in love with Sothys the moment he saw young star Sothys. Venus, once considered the most brightest and beautiful star in the heavenly skies was extremely jealous and took her revenge on Sothys. Sothys vanished into the darkness and Saturn was heart-broken. He cried for forty days and nights wreaking havoc
on earth.
No one heard about Sothys again for centuries. One day, Sothys revealed herself from the darkness of the skies dedicating herself to the beauty and happiness of women in the world.
And Now,
It’s Your Time To Shine

About Us

10 Years of Experience

Sysy Toush Beauty Salon was founded by Marie Lo in 2021 with the core concept of dedication to the beauty of women of all color, providing a range of services which includes but are not limited to:


Meet Our Beauty Artists


Hair Stylist/Colorist


Manager/Beautician/Makeup Expert/Henna

Aleena Cassandra



Beautician/Nail Technician


Nail Technician/Makeup/Eyelash Technician/Henna


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We have everything you need to feel beautiful